
Pool Maxx - Specially Formulated Hydrogen Peroxide: A Safe & Superior Alternative for Chlorine in a Swimming Pool

Pool Maxx - Specially Formulated Hydrogen Peroxide: A Safe & Superior Alternative for Chlorine in a Swimming Pool

If you are looking for a more natural and eco-friendly alternative to chlorine for your swimming pool, Pool Maxx’s specially formulated Hydrogen peroxide based product is the solution you have been searching for. It is a powerful oxidizer that can effectively sanitize your pool without the harsh chemicals and strong odours associated with Chlorine. Pool Maxx Pool Cleaner from Zyax Chemicals’ Pool Care range is the easiest and safest way to convert your pool from a chlorine treatment to hydrogen peroxide. 

Here is how to use Pool Maxx’s Chlorine-Free Pool Cleaner in your swimming pool safely and effectively.


What Does Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Pool Maxx Offer Your Pool?

Zyax’s Pool Maxx is a chlorine-free pool cleaner formulated with a Hydrogen Peroxide base. Using this formula instead of Chlorine in your swimming pool has many benefits. First and foremost, Pool Maxx is an ecological alternative that won't harm the environment or irritate skin and eyes, which makes it safe for swimmers. 

Pool Chemistry Routine includes checking the levels of pH, alkalinity, water hardness and a disinfectant. Pool Maxx sanitizes your pool & kills infections causing germs in the water without the harsh chemicals & strong odours associated with chlorine. Finally, it is easy to use and maintain, making it a convenient choice for pool owners.

By maintaining a level supply of disinfectant in the pool, you will get sparkling clean pool water. 

Read more: ZYAX POOL MAXX - Chlorine Free Pool Cleaner



What Are The Steps To Use Hydrogen Peroxide Based Pool Maxx Pool Cleaner?

1. Test Your Water Before Adding Pool Maxx.

Before adding Pool Maxx to your swimming pool, it's important to test the water to ensure the pH and alkalinity levels are within the recommended range. You can use our 5-in-1 Pool Test Strips to measure these levels and adjust them if necessary. Adding peroxide based Pool Maxx to water with high pH or alkalinity levels can reduce its effectiveness and potentially cause damage to your pool equipment. Once you have confirmed that your water is balanced, you can add Pool Maxx to your pool as per the instructions. 

2. Add Pool Maxx to Your Pool in the Correct Amount.

The amount of Pool Maxx you need to add will depend on the size of your pool and the concentration of the peroxide solution you are using. You can use our Product Calculator for the usage as per your pool volume. This hydrogen peroxide based formula can break down quickly when exposed to sunlight, so it's best to add it to your pool in the evening or on a cloudy day. Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when handling Pool Maxx, and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

3. Monitor Your Pool's pH Levels.

When using Pool Maxx in your swimming pool, monitor the pH levels regularly.  Use our 5-in-1 pH Test Strips to check the levels regularly and adjust as needed. You may need to add Pool Maxx pH Down to lower the pH levels if they get too high. Keeping the pH levels balanced will ensure that your pool stays clean and safe for swimming.

4. Maintain Proper Filtration and Circulation.

Proper filtration and circulation are essential when using Pool Maxx Pool Sanitizer in your swimming pool. Make sure your pool's filtration system is working properly and clean the filter regularly. It will help remove any debris or contaminants from the water. 

Additionally, ensure that the water is circulating properly by running the pool pump for at least 8 hours a day. It will help distribute the peroxide evenly throughout the pool and prevent any areas from becoming stagnant. By maintaining proper filtration and circulation, you can ensure that your pool stays clean and safe for swimming.


Why Use Pool Maxx Chlorine-Free Pool Cleaner Instead Of Chlorine In A Swimming Pool:

  • Reduced Chemical Smell and Irritation:

Pool Maxx does not produce the strong chlorine smell that is often associated with traditional chlorine-based pool sanitation methods. It can make swimming more enjoyable and reduce eye, skin, and respiratory irritation for swimmers, especially those sensitive to chlorine.

  • Gentle on Skin and Hair:

Hydrogen peroxide based Pool Maxx is gentle on the skin and hair compared to chlorine. Chlorine can sometimes cause dryness, itching, and discolouration of skin and hair, especially with prolonged exposure. Pool Maxx, on the other hand, is milder and preferred by those with sensitive skin or hair.

  • Environmental Friendliness:

Chlorine can produce harmful disinfection by-products when it reacts with organic matter in the water, such as sweat, urine, and other contaminants brought in by swimmers. These can be potentially harmful to human health and may contribute to air and water pollution. Hydrogen Peroxide based Pool Maxx Chlorine-Free Pool Cleaner is considered to be environmentally friendly. It breaks down into water and oxygen without producing harmful by-products.

  • Reduced Chlorine Odour:

Chlorine can sometimes leave a residual odour on swimmers' skin and hair, as well as on towels and swimwear. Pool Maxx does not have a strong odour, which can be more pleasant for swimmers and reduce the need for frequent washing of towels and swimwear to eliminate the chlorine smell.

  • Effective Disinfection:

While chlorine is a commonly used disinfectant for swimming pools, hydrogen peroxide can also effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that may cause waterborne illnesses. Hydrogen peroxide formula can be used in conjunction with other pool maintenance methods, such as UV systems or ozone generators, to provide a comprehensive approach to pool sanitation.

  • Compatible with Alternative Sanitation Methods:

Hydrogen Peroxide based Pool Maxx can be used as a standalone sanitizer to provide a customized pool sanitation solution. This flexibility allows pool owners to choose a sanitation system that best fits their preferences and needs.


Where To Buy?

Pool Maxx is available on Amazon, Flipkart and our global website -


Need Help?

Consult with our Pool Maxx Pool Professional for more information. 


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