
Clear Maxx - Green Pool Water Clarification Pool Flocculant

Clear Maxx - Green Pool Water Clarification Pool Flocculant

Looking for an easy and effective way to restore the clear blue pool water? 

Clear Maxx Pool Flocculant is a powerful, safe, and convenient product that can help clear up blue-green algae and other contaminants in your swimming pool, quickly restoring crystal-clear water!

What is Flocculation? 

With Clear Maxx’s Pool Flocculant, all you have to do is carefully pour the product into the deep end of your pool, allow it to circulate, and wait as the particles bind together to form a heavy floc that settles to the bottom of the pool. This floc combines dirt, algae, and other particles into larger clumps that can be easily vacuumed away for crystal-clear pools in a fraction of the time. Once settled, simply use your pool vacuum cleaner set up with its pump or a special flocculant vacuum head to remove all debris and clear the green pool. 

Read more: How to Clean a Green Pool? 


Clear Maxx’s Pool Flocculant uses advanced technology to immediately clarify green and cloudy pool water. It’s also safe for all types of pools including saltwater systems, and ideal for sand and diatomaceous earth (DE) filters. CLEAR MAXX converts your green pool water to clear water within 12 – 24 hours without affecting pH levels or damaging filter equipment.


1. Fast acting formula: 

Thanks to its powerful properties, Clear Maxx is relatively quick-acting and can have visible results within hours of being added to the pool. By clumping together the tiny particles which cause cloudy water, it leaves the pool clearer, brighter, and more inviting within 12-24 hours. 

2. Results in crystal clear swimming pool water:

Post-usage, Clear Maxx gets rid of blue-green algae water and restores crystal-clear water in your swimming pool without much effort. 

3. Compatible with all types of pools:

Clear Maxx is compatible and safe to use in all types of pool systems such as chlorine, bromine, and salt-based systems. 

4. Keeps swimmers safe:

By getting rid of the contaminants that cause eye irritation and skin rashes, Clear Maxx helps clear the pool water for a better swimming experience. 

5. Ideal for Sand & Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters:

It is simple to remove the clumped particles and flocs bypassing the filter because these filters typically feature multiport valves with a "Waste" setting.


Step 1:

Use a filter cleaner following the cleaning of your filter by backwashing. Before using the flocculant for the spa and pool, refer to the directions given on the label. 

Step 2:

Measure your pool volume. You can take the help of the Pool Maxx Product Calculator to calculate the required quantity to use in the pool.  

Step 3:

Balance the pH in your pool. The pool water should have a pH between 7.4 and 7.6.

Need assistance measuring the pH level? 

Read this: How to measure the pH of Pool Water?

Step 4:

Dilute the recommended dosage in a bucket of pool water as per your pool’s volume.

Step 5:

Remove the skimmer basket. Shake our Pool Flocculant well before use and pour slowly into the skimmer with the pump on and filter valve in RECIRCULATE position. 

Step 6:

Replace the skimmer basket after 10 minutes and allow the pump to circulate for 2 hours.

Step 7: 

Turn OFF the pump, and leave the pool undisturbed for 12-24 hours.

Step 8: 

Vacuum to waste all settled debris from the pool with a filter in WASTE or DRAIN mode. 

Step 9: 

Once the water is clear, test and adjust the pH level to 7.2-7.6 before returning to normal pool operations. To lower the high pH level of the pool, go with Pool Maxx pH Down. For increasing the pH level of the pool water, use Pool Maxx pH up. 

Pro Tip: To make the water sparkle and shine, follow up with Sparkle Maxx - Pool Water Clarifier. Balance the water again if needed. 

Now enjoy clear pool water with no more blue-green algae!



1. Clear Maxx is available on our Global Store, with a special offer of 15% using coupon code POOLMAXX15 at checkout.

2. Available on Amazon & Flipkart as well.

Clear Maxx - Green Pool Correction



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