
The Ultimate Pool Opening Checklist for a Hassle-free Summer | Pool Maxx by ZYAX

The Ultimate Pool Opening Checklist for a Hassle-free Summer | Pool Maxx by ZYAX

Are you ready to take the plunge and open up your pool for the summer? Don't worry, it is not as daunting as it may seem. With some essential steps, your pool will be ready for a summer of fun in the sun. We have got you covered with our pool opening checklist!


Step 1: Remove The Winter Cover. 

This can be a bit tricky, so you may want to recruit some help. Just make sure they don't accidentally fall in the pool while removing the cover. And if some debris falls in the water, don't worry! That's where our product, ZYAX Pool Maxx, comes in handy.


Step 2: Clean And Store Your Winter Cover. 

You don't want any mold or mildew to grow on your cover while it's in storage. Give it a good scrub down and use a winter cover cleaner. And speaking of cleaning, ZYAX Pool Maxx is a chlorine-free pool cleaning solution that removes calcium deposits and prevents green algae from growing in your pool. It's eco-friendly, safe for your family, and a must-have for any pool owner.


Step 3: Remove Return Jet Plugs And Skimmer Compensators. 

This step may sound technical, but it's essential to ensure proper water flow and circulation. And let's be real, taking things apart can be kind of fun. Just don't lose any of the pieces!


Step 4: Install Your Deck Equipment. 

Re-installing your diving board and a pool ladder is like putting together a giant, watery puzzle. And remember to lubricate those bolts to prevent rusting. Nobody wants a squeaky diving board!


Step 5: Fill Up Your Pool. 

Hopefully, you won't need to call the fire department to fill up your pool with a giant hose like in the movies. But if your pool water level is low, a garden hose will do just fine.


Step 6: Set Up Your Pump And Filter. 

This step is like the heart and lungs of your pool. It's essential to make sure everything is in good working order. And don't forget to use a Teflon-based o-ring lubricant on your pump housing to keep things running smoothly.


Step 7: Turn On Your Filter System

Turn it on and see the magic. You will see your pool water transform from a murky mess to a crystal clear oasis. And if you're using ZYAX Pool Maxx, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your pool is being sanitized with a chlorine-free, silver stabilized pool cleaner.


Step 8: Clean Your Pool. 

This step is a workout, but it's worth it. Think of it as free labour for your summer body. And if you're struggling to get rid of stubborn debris, ZYAX POOL MAXX is a fast-acting swimming pool sanitizer that gets the job done without any harmful chemicals.


Step 9: Add The Pool Start-Up Chemicals. 

You need to make sure your pH and alkalinity are balanced before adding any other pool chemicals. If you're using ZYAX POOL MAXX, you'll be happy to know that it's a highly effective natural cleaner that's fully degradable into water and oxygen. So it’s not only safe for your pool, but it's also safe for the environment.


Step 10: Final Check. 

After letting your pool run for 24 hours, it's time to do a final check. If everything looks good and your pool is crystal clear, it's time to jump in! 



When it comes to pool cleaning, why settle for a product with harmful chemicals? Pool Maxx by ZYAX is the chlorine-free solution that keeps your pool sparkling clean without the unwanted side effects. With its fast-acting, non-foaming, and silver-stabilized formula, Pool Maxx is the clear choice for a safe, effective, and eco-friendly pool cleaning experience. So, why Pool Maxx? Because a pool party is always better when you're not worried about what's lurking in the water!




1. Pool Maxx is available on our website, with a special offer of 15% using coupon code POOLMAXX15 at checkout.

2. Available on Amazon & Flipkart.




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