
Green Pool: How to Recover from a Chemical Imbalance

Green Pool: How to Recover from a Chemical Imbalance

Nothing is more annoying than stepping outside and finding your pool changed from a cool, clear haven to a green, murky nightmare. But don't panic just yet! A green pool is most often the work of a chemical imbalance, most commonly due to algae overgrowth. Fortunately, repairing it doesn't have to be hard. With a few easy steps, you can have your pool looking crystal clear again, and maintain that condition. Let's dive into how you can recover from a green pool and avoid having it happen again. 

Let’s break down how to recover from a chemical imbalance and restore your pool to its former glory.


Step 1: Identifying the Reason for the Green Pool

Before jumping into the solution, let's first figure out why your pool went green to begin with. A green pool is most commonly caused by too much algae growth, which blooms when your pool's chemical levels are off. There are many reasons why algae can grow, including:

  • Low chlorine levels: Chlorine is the bacteria-killing and algae-killing sanitizer in your pool. When chlorine levels become too low, algae will start growing.
  • High pH or alkalinity: If the pool water pH or alkalinity is too high, it will decrease the efficiency of chlorine and enable algae to grow. If your pH level is unbalanced, don’t hesitate to take action! Use Zyax Pool Maxx pH UP to raise it or Zyax Pool Maxx pH Down to lower it. Ensure your pool's water is always in perfect condition for a refreshing swim!
  • Poor circulation: If your pool's filtration system is not functioning or water is not circulating sufficiently, algae can settle and develop.


Step 2: Test the Water

The first thing you would have to do in repairing a green pool is to check your water. You have to have some knowledge of your water levels at present so you would be able to see where you would need to make changes. You can either purchase a pool test kit or go to the water test strips that they have at local pool stores, and they might be able to run the analysis that you need.


Test pool water with Pool Maxx Test Strips










Emphasize the following key measurements:

  • Chlorine concentration: Apply a concentration of 1-3 ppm (parts per million).
  • pH readings: Your pH is between 7.2 and 7.6. Alkalinity: You can have up to 80-120 ppm alkalinity. Calcium hardness: It has to be 200-400 ppm, especially if your pool is vinyl-lined.
  • Once you have received the test results, you will know precisely which chemicals to adjust.


Step 3: Shock the Pool

When your pool goes green, the first thing you need to do to tidy it up is to "shock" the water. Pool shock is a high concentration of chlorine that is utilized to kill algae, bacteria, and other contaminants.

To shock the pool, simply do the following:

  • Instructions: Follow the correct instructions given on the label of Chloro Maxx 90 TCCA Granules.
  • Add nighttime shock: Shocking at night ensures that the chlorine is going to be in the pool longer, not lost to the sun.
  • Disperse the shock: Saturate the area around the pool with the shock solution so that it spreads evenly.
  • Leave the filtration system in your pool operating during this entire process to help circulate the chemicals and speed up the cleaning.


Step 4: Vacuum and Brush the Pool

After you've shocked the pool, it's time to bring out your pool brush. Brush the walls and floor of the pool to remove the algae that the chlorine destroyed. Brush gently because algae cling to surfaces. Once you have cleaned your pool, vacuum it to eliminate the dead algae. You may need to vacuum multiple times because dead algae sink to the pool floor.

Clean the pool









Step 5: Keep an Eye on Chemical Levels

After vacuuming and shocking, your pool may still appear clouded or green. Don't worry, because the shock treatment destroyed the algae but did not eliminate dead algae from the water. Keep checking the water and adding chemicals as needed. You may need to Clear Maxx to maintain the level appropriate and prevent an algae bounce-back.


Step 6: Maintain the pool chemical

Maintain Your Pool in Chemical Balance After you've corrected the green pool issue, you'll want to keep your pool chemically balanced so you don't have algae in the future. Test your water regularly and monitor your chlorine. Clean your filter in your pool and make sure your circulation system is in good working condition.



A green pool is making you go crazy, but with the right procedures, you can restore your pool to its shiny blue beauty. Regular maintenance and testing of your pool's chemistry is the key to preventing issues in the future. A healthy pool is a happy pool, and by getting ahead of it, you can have a beautiful swimming area year-round! Experience the difference with Sparkle Maxx your go-to solution for achieving a sparkling clean and crystal-clear pool!

