
Getting Back the Blue Sheen: Clearing Cloudy Pool Water After the Bash

Getting Back the Blue Sheen: Clearing Cloudy Pool Water After the Bash

Got a cloudy, dull pool after last weekend's pool party? Don't worry, it can be quickly restored to its original sparkling blue beauty. With the Chlorine-Free alternatives by Pool Maxx and know-how, you can have shining clear pool water in no time.


Adjust the pH Balance to Make the Water Clear and Balanced.

With the pH balance skewed from last weekend's events, it's important to start by balancing out your pool water. The correct pH balance for a swimming pool is 7.4-7.6, so if you are currently off in either direction, it's time to adjust things back to normal. Use Pool Maxx Test Strips to measure the pH level of your pool water and then add an appropriate amount of Pool Maxx pH up - pH increaser or Pool Maxx pH down - pH decreaser to bring the pH into range.

Read more: Our Guide to Pool Water Testing. 


Check Your Filter System And Clean It Up.

The next step towards clearing up the cloudy water in your pool is to check and clean the filter system. If your filter media has not been changed in a while, it may be clogged with particles that can cause the water to appear cloudy, so start by replacing the filter media. Once done, run the filter for 24 hours, backwashing every few hours to ensure that all debris is removed from the pool.

Tip: If you are looking for a replacement for your traditional filter media, Pool Maxx Glass Filter Media offers high performance while saving pool maintenance costs. 


Test and Monitor Chemistry Levels in the Pool Water.

To ensure the pool is properly disinfected and free from harmful bacteria, it is required to test and monitor chlorine levels in the water. Cloudy pool water can often mean that the chlorine levels are too low and need to be adjusted accordingly. Test your chlorine levels regularly using Pool Maxx Test Strips and add Chloro Maxx 90 granules as necessary to ensure optimal sanitation of the swimming pool. 

Tip: Check out our Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Pool Shock here. 


Shock The Pool with Chloro Maxx 90 to Make it Look Shiny and Refreshing Again

After the dirt and debris are bound together, it may be necessary to shock the pool with Chloro Maxx 90 Granules. Pool chlorine or shock comes in many forms, such as tablets, powder or granulated pool shock. Chloro Maxx 90 is a safe alternative to harmful chlorine causing eye, skin or lung infections. It must be added to the water in intervals. It helps clear out bacteria, destroys organic elements such as leaves, and also neutralizes nitrates that can contribute to cloudy water. Follow all instructions on the Chloro Maxx 90 label before adding it to your pool. Additionally, you may need to run your filter longer than usual after shocking the water so that any extra cloudiness is removed from the pool.


Use a Flocculant or Clarifier to Remove Debris From Pool Water.

A quality sequestering agent, also known as a Sparkle Maxx Pool Water Clarifier, can help to bind together dirt, oils and other debris that have been stirred up in the pool during the party. These agents usually come in liquid form and are quickly poured into the pool - they can reduce the cloudiness of your pool in just a few hours. 

Sparkle Maxx Clarifier works by coagulating smaller particles into larger clumps that can be filtered more effectively. Clear Maxx Flocculant, on the other hand, causes the particles to sink to the bottom of the pool, allowing you to vacuum them up easily. Be sure to read and follow all instructions on the product packaging before adding the liquid to your pool. It will help ensure that your swimming pool is safe and well-maintained.


Follow Pool Care Routine for Regular Maintenance: 

Once your pool water is clear again, it's important to maintain proper pool hygiene to prevent future cloudiness. Regularly test and adjust the water chemistry, clean the filter as recommended by the manufacturer, and maintain consistent filtration and circulation. Also, use Pool Maxx Chlorine-Free Pool Cleaner as an effective natural cleaner. 

TIP: Check out the 3 C's of the Pool Care Routine: a) Circulation, b) Cleaning, and c) Chemistry

