When it comes to pool maintenance, there’s no shortage of advice—some good, some questionable, and some downright wrong. Myths about pool chemicals often lead to improper maintenance, unnecessary expenses, and even unsafe swimming conditions. In this blog, we will bust some of the most common pool chemical myths and set the record straight!
Myth #1: Chlorine Turns Hair Green
Fact: Hair turns green because of copper, not chlorine. Most algaecides have copper in their chemical formulation; when they interact with chlorine, they bond with proteins in hair, and voilà—you get a colour change. Prevent this effect by using a swimmer's shampoo and rinsing your hair in fresh water both before and after swimming.
Myth #2: The More Chlorine That Smells, the Cleaner the Pool
Fact: A strong chlorine smell doesn't necessarily mean your pool is cleaner; it means chloramines are present, which is the result of chlorine binding to contaminants like sweat, oils, and urine. A well-maintained pool should have no or very minimal chlorine smell. If your pool smells, then it's time for shock treatment to break down chloramines and restore chlorine effectiveness.
Myth #3: Pool Water is Safe as Long as It Looks Clear
Fact: Crystal-clear water may still be contaminated with harmful bacteria and other contaminants. That's why pool water balance is achieved with just the right amounts of chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. You have to test your pool regularly to ensure it's clean and safe. Use Pool Maxx 5-in-1 Test Strips for this.
Myth #4: You Can Skip Pool Chemicals If You Use a Saltwater System
Fact: Saltwater pools still require chemicals! Even though saltwater systems produce chlorine through electrolysis, you will still need to balance pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. If you don't maintain the chemical levels in a saltwater pool, you can experience scaling, corrosion, and algae growth.
Myth #5: Baking Soda Can Be Used Instead of Alkalinity Increasers
Fact: Although baking soda can increase alkalinity, it is not a direct replacement for specific pool chemicals. Pool-grade alkalinity increasers are designed to work effectively without causing unintended side effects. Overuse of baking soda can throw off the pH balance and cause cloudy water.
Myth #6: You Can Shock Your Pool Anytime
Fact: Shocking your pool is necessary, but timing is everything. The best time to shock your pool is in the evening or at night so that the sun won't burn off chlorine too quickly. Shocking during the day does not work as effectively and a waste of chemicals. You can use Chloro Maxx 90 TCCA Granules for better results.
Myth #7: More Chemicals Equal Cleaner Pool
Fact: Over-chlorinating your pool with chemicals will not necessarily make it cleaner; in fact, that can cause skin irritation, cloudy water, and equipment damage. In that respect, the key is to maintain balanced levels. But no matter the chemical, always test the water before its addition and strictly follow dosages recommended.
Stay Informed, Swim Safe!
Maintaining a clean, safe pool requires more than guesswork. By eliminating these pool myths, you can maintain a healthier pool while avoiding costly and unnecessary complications.
At Pool Maxx, we offer you quality chlorine-free pool care solutions so that you can enjoy a safe and crystal-clear pool. Shop our products today and take the guesswork out of pool maintenance!