
Common Pool Chemical Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Pool Chemical Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Maintaining a healthy pool can be challenging, especially if you incorporate the use of chemicals in the process. Prevention of common pool chemical mistakes ensures that there is no damage to your pool, hence safety to all. This article provides insight into the common mistakes while maintaining a pool and how the range of products offered by Pool Maxx can help prevent them.


1. Not Testing the Water Regularly

Most pool owners skip the most fundamental maintenance procedure - regular water testing. Chemical balances-especially those in regard to pH and chlorine-can change in a very short time to allow water to become cloudy, grow algae, or cause irritation among swimmers.


For this, test your pool water at least once or twice a week with one of Pool Maxx's Pool Test Strips. The frequent testing will help you understand when an imbalance is occurring well before it is a huge problem.


2. Adding Chemicals Incorrectly

Incorrect addition of chemicals into the pool without dilution may stain the walls or damage the liner of the pool. This holds good while using chlorine or shock treatment.


Pool Maxx Product Calculator will allow you to calculate the volume of your pool & estimate how much of each chemical you will need for your pool. Always follow the instructions on the label on how to get the pool ready properly before adding them into water. 


3. Too Much Chlorine

While chlorine is important to maintain pool hygiene, too much of it causes skin and eye irritation, with the addition of degrading your equipment. Some pool owners believe in the motto "the more, the better," but adding excessive chlorine creates a very unsafe environment for swimming.


Instead of depending solely on chlorine, use Pool Maxx Pool Cleaner. This chlorine-free pool cleaning solution helps for the removal of calcium deposits, prevents the formation of green algae & causes no eye or skin irritation. 


4. Ignoring pH Levels

pH levels are important to the functioning of pool sanitizers like chlorine: a high pH lessens the effectiveness of chlorine; however, on the other hand, low pH causes deterioration to the pool surfaces and equipment.


With Pool Maxx pH Up and pH Down, you will easily be able to bring things in balance so that your chlorine can do its job and the pool stays in good condition.


5. Poor Understanding of Shock Treatments

Many pool owners either never shock their pool frequently enough or shock their pool at the wrong time. While the shocking process is crucial to decomposing organic waste and killing bacteria, applying it inappropriately may lead to cloudy water and a chemical imbalance.


Chloro Maxx TCCA 90 Treatment makes it a bit easier to remember how much shock and when to give your pool shock. For best results, shock your pool once every week or after heavy usage.


6. Failure to Deal Early Enough with Algae Problems

This is not just unsightly; it clogs your pool filters and may render the water unsafe for swimmers. Few people underestimate the speed algae can take over when the chemical levels are off.


Clear Maxx Flocculant nip this in the bud. Regular use prevents algae growth, coagulates the dirt particles, clumps them together and maintains a crystal-clear pool all season.


7. Failure to Balance Total Alkalinity

Total alkalinity buffers your pH levels from making wild swings that may knock your pool chemistry out of kilter. You will end up with constant pH adjustments and unstable water chemistry if you neglect it.


Use Pool Maxx 5-in-1 Pool Strips to keep the right level for chlorine, alkalinity, total hardness and pH, which will keep your pH & other levels consistent and in balance, and also make your other pool chemicals do their job.



Avoid these common mistakes of pool chemicals to make sure your pool lasts longer. Also, it provides you with a hygienic and healthy environment for swimming. From testing strips to different types of chemical solutions, Pool Maxx can offer a whole range of products to keep your pool just right.

Thanks to the premium pool maintenance products available from Pool Maxx, the chances of a chemical accident occurring while trying to keep your pool looking and feeling great all year round can be avoided.


